
The Ultimate Back 2 School Survival Guide for Kids

The summer went by so fast, and now your kids are heading back to school. Whether your kids are starting kindergarten or heading off to college, it’s not always easy to get back into the swing of things, and sometimes you need some help from the pros!

The good news is there are plenty of back-to-school tips that can help you and your family adjust to the new routine smoothly. 

Here are some useful tips from Mr. Pen on how to get ready, stay organized, and make the most of Back 2 School time for you and your kids!

1) Get To Know Your Classes 

Get to know your teachers and plan ahead. Read your syllabus, connect with your classmates, and connect with students who have taken your upcoming class previously. 

Having a clear idea of your curriculum beforehand will not only to help you prepare for the school year in advance, but give you a clear idea of what to expect when managing your time. 

2) Shop For Your Supplies 

August and September can be expensive months; kids are going back to school, families are booking trips for fall break and everyone’s looking forward to cooler weather. 

If you want to save money, don’t spend it all at once. Instead, shop with Mr. Pen for supplies before schools go back into session. Around this time, we have our best deals and Back to School promotions you won’t want to miss! 

3) Use A Planner

While smartphones, computers and tablets are useful tools, they do come with their limitations. Having everything in one place—in an easy-to-organize format—can make your back to school experience a lot smoother. 

Whether you’re looking for a planner or day timer that features dates and week numbers or you want something that provides extra space for notes and ideas, there’s an option out there just right for you. 

If you’re open to suggestions, check out Mr. Pen- Christian Planner

4) Create A "Learning Space"

Make a comfortable space to study in at home. Decorate your space with inspirational and positive sayings or quotes that can serve as daily reminders while studying. Most importantly, be sure you’re able to focus!

Use colors like pink and lavender, which are known to reduce stress levels and help get a good night’s sleep – both essential elements of back-to-school success!

The key to having a successful school year is proper preparation. You’ll never have to worry about being prepared or staying prepared with Mr.Pen!

Goodluck this year! 

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